Mon May 25 10:30:17 PDT 2003 — NetApp filer lockup. One of our NetApp filers locked up this evening causing the redundant filer to perform an automated take-over. After investigation, no cause for the failure could be determined. We rebooted the troubled filer and transfered control back to the unit and both filer are functioning normally now. has invested in a redundant, fail-safe storage system which is designed to handle such events. The failure of a filer is transparent to customers as when one filer experiences problems which prevent data from being served, the other file takes over control of the downed filers disks and serves its data seamlessly. Our Network Appliance F740 network file system cluster is the basis of’s storage solution. All user data resides on the two NetApp filers, and they’re configured in a completely redundant configuration. The drives are dual-channel fiber arbitrated loops, and are served by redundant processor heads. The units are RAID level four, WAFL filesystems, and include redundant power and cabling to all disks and the network itself at Gigabit speeds. -Matt and Kelsey