Tue Jan 21 00:15:18 PST 1997 — Proxy server moved to beta status. After extensive work by Brian on the caching web and ftp proxy, we’ve moved it from alpha status to beta. In other words, it seems to be working well. We encourage you to try it – it may make your browsing faster, and it will also save bandwidth. Recycle electrons, it’s environmentally friendly. A caching proxy acts as an intermediary between you and a remote site. It’s on a super high speed connection on our backbone, and doesn’t suffer from the latency and delays that a dialup connection does. In addition, it caches web and ftp data in a memory and disk cache, so it’s often the case that the document you want is already here! To configure your browser for the proxy, in your network preferences, select automatic proxy configuration with the following URL. If you have any questions, please see news:sonic.help.www www.sonic.net/proxy.pac