Tue Jan 26 14:55:24 PST 1999 — As it turns out, the Cisco 2514 routing our DSL circuits didn’t have the CPU horsepower to serve its interface queues, which degraded performance for DSL customers. We fixed that by moving the DSL circuits to our core router, which uses a ‘silicon switch engine’ to forward packets. The result: DSL customers should notice improved performance; additionally, they are one hop closer to the Internet. -Scott and Eli
Update (16:19) – while this network redesign has helped, customers are still experiencing poor performance. Further discussions with the telco have revealed that they are actually having a problem, which they’ve now acknowledged:
Last update : January 26, 1999 03:45:41 PM PST
Covad is currently experiencing a network problem in the San Francisco Bay area. Customers affected by the problem may experience packet loss. Covad Network Operations and Engineering support are actively working on the problem. We will post updates on this page as they are available.
We’ll keep you updated as we get new information. -Dane