Our power plant change is complete.

Sun Mar 12 02:39:08 PST 2000 — Our power plant change is complete. In total, we had 13 minutes without power. This puts the phase one build-out section of our data-center on a new APC Symmetra UPS located in our new power room downstairs. On Monday, we’ll be moving the old Symmetra downstairs to power our phase two build-out.

Placing these units downstairs gives us the physical space and floor load capacity to add additional battery frames for extended runtime. A single Symmetra with one extra battery frame runs about 50 minutes at full load and weighs one ton. We’ll be adding more extended run battery frames to both units now that we’ve eliminated the concern that they’ll come crashing through the ceiling of technical support, crushing unsuspecting support tech Brandon Butler. With a total of up to four battery frames per Symmetra, we could build runtime of up to three hours after our complete phase one and two build-out is complete. Total weight of the two Symmetras will be 10,000 pounds. A third Symmetra will be added for our third section build-out in 12 to 24 months.

Sonic.net crew: Dane, Scott, Eli, Kelsey, Steve and Dave IX Labs crew: Brad and Scooter Href/Robmart: Rob Martin O’Rourke Electric: Argi and Dan O’Rourke

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