Pacific Bell appears to be overwhelmed by the

Tue Apr 25 18:14:56 PDT 2000 — Pacific Bell appears to be overwhelmed by the response to the current promotion for DSL, and their installation contractors are missing some appointments due to the expanded workload. If you have an installation scheduled with Pacific Bell for DSL, keep in mind that they may fail to arrive, or they may arrive very late in the day, in some cases at late as 9pm.

To inquire about re-scheduling a missed appointment, call Pacific Bell at 1-888-900-9933, select option 1. We’ve found hold times on this line to be 20-60 minutes, so expect delay.

We’re sorry that our partner is having trouble delivering this service as smoothly as they have in the past. remains committed to our available customer service and solid network, and we are sorry that Pacific Bell’s poor performance reflects upon us.

If you are placing a new order for DSL now, the delivery timeline is going to be longer than usual. We’re currently seeing start to finish deployments taking four to five weeks. -Dane, Eli, Jen and Nicole

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