Night Operations: We are going to be…

Wed Jan 17 13:18:28 PST 2001 — Night Operations: We are going to be performing upgrades and maintenance on our network tonight. We will be starting work at 1:00AM Thursday morning. We have purchased a warm spare for lily the T3 MUX and are going to simulate a failure situation and swap to the spare. During the testing period the top half of the 522-1003 dial-up group will be unavailable and will also drop any active connections. Some of our remote pops are also connected through the MUX and will briefly be isolated from Sonic’s networks and the rest of the Internet.

We will also be installing two new disk shelves to our NetApp filers to give us the ability to add disks as need to increase capacity. We will have to shutdown both filers so unfortunately the clustering won’t help us here. While the NetApps are down, all services will be offline. They shouldn’t be down for more than 5 minutes.

PacBell will be migrating one of our T3’s into our OC12 SONET ring from the DS3 that it’s delivered on now.

We will also be installing an additional 150GB of spool space to the news server. (The additional spool space won’t be brought online until Thursday day.)

-The Sonic Operations Team

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