One of our Santa Rosa pops was returning a…

Fri Aug 31 13:54:24 PDT 2001 — One of our Santa Rosa pops was returning a ‘All Circuits are Busy’ error today, we narrowed it down to a PRI card that was acting up and rebooted it. -Steve

Update: Rebooting the PRI card did not clear up the problem as I had thought it would. I have replaced the card and tested it, and all looks well now. -Steve

Update #2: The All Circuits are Busy message came back. We opened a ticket with PacBell and also did a hard reboot on NAS21, which is the front of our 1003 dialup pool. This caused some people to be disconnected. The hunt group appears to be taking calls just fine now I will be watching it for the rest of the day. -Steve

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