A bug in our automated user management tools…

Thu Feb 7 10:04:32 PST 2002 — A bug in our automated user management tools encountered a grievous error while running last night. It decided that while removing a user that it should, while it was at it, delete the entire ‘/home/l’ directory tree, removing all home directories for users starting with ‘l’. The bug has been squashed and all of the removed files and directories have been restored from our most recent backups. We are deeply sorry for any trouble that this has caused and have taken steps to assure that it does not happen again. -Kelsey

Update: This removal and recreation of the /home/l directory has caused problems with the server that handles ftp.sonic.net that can only be resolved by rebooting the server. ftp.sonic.net is being rebooted now and should be back up shortly. -Kelsey and Nathan

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