Wed May 29 10:15:22 PDT 2002 — TWIG,’s web mail program, will be taken off line for a software upgrade on 2002-05-29 at 2:00pm PDT.
We expect the upgrade to take 10 to 15 minutes to install but it does include the addition of a new database structure. Because of this, we must ensure no one is using the software while we migrate your data to the new database. At exactly 2:00pm, TWIG will be taken down and anyone using the software will unable to continue. We will install visible warnings in the TWIG software to remind those still on-line of the impending outage.
This software upgrade will bring TWIG to version 2.7.5 and includes the addition of several new features as well as some major and minor bug fixes.
-Chuckc, Kentrak