Fri Jul 12 01:24:53 PDT 2002 — Night Op – We’re planning to move our core disk storage architecture on Sunday morning, with downtime beginning at about 1am.
Our Network Appliance F740 network file system cluster is the basis of’s storage solution. All user data resides on the two NetApp filers, and they’re configured in a completely redundant configuration. The drives are dual-channel fiber arbitrated loops, and are served by redundant processor heads. The units are RAID level four, WAFL filesystems, and include redundant power and cabling to all disks and the network itself at Gigabit speeds.
The move of the disk shelves themselves will be a service affecting move, and during the time that they are in transit, local web and ftp hosting, email and shell will be unavailable. Dialup, DSL and web browsing will be unaffected. We expect the downtime to be between an hour and an hour and a half, beginning just after 1am on Sunday morning. Actual server moves of redundant systems will begin at 11pm Saturday night, but these changes should be transparent.
The move to the new datacenter is nearing completion for equipment, and it’s been a good opportunity to redesign a number of network elements. Downtime has been very brief, and we appreciate your patience with any interruptions noted in the MOTD. -Dane