Night Operations: Saturday the 11th, starting

Wed Jan 8 15:51:45 PST 2003 — Night Operations: Saturday the 11th, starting at 1:00AM we are going to perform some scheduled maintenance on our NetApp cluster to add additional storage capacity and upgrade the OS on our SMS 1800. Both of the NetApps have to be rebooted in the process of adding new disk shelves to the filers which will result in momentary outages for web, mail, shell and ftp services. Typically a NetApp is able to reboot in about a minute and we don’t expect any trouble from them. The SMS upgrade should take a bit longer as we will also be swapping a few cards out with our spare chassis (which has newer revision hardware) and upgrading to the latest ‘stable’ AOS release. We believe that this upgrade will resolve our periodic reboots as well as providing better features for management of the gear. While the SMS is being upgraded, all ADSL and FRATM customers will be off-line. This upgrade will not, however, affect BroadLink WDSL customers which are now terminated on their own SMS 500. -Kelsey, John, Nathan and Matt.

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