Night Operations: Monday morning, starting at

Sat Feb 15 18:48:05 PST 2003 — Night Operations: Monday morning, starting at 12:00AM, we are moving the T3 that connects our Santa Rosa HQ data center with our San Francisco pop into a different router in Santa Rosa. This will cause a momentary disruption in services while our OSPF and BGP routing tables converge. We are also going to reboot two other pieces of equipment: the last Extreme Networks switch in production and our Alteon AD3. These two have been having some issues cooperating and we hope that rebooting them will resolve the issues. These are the last remnants of our old network architecture and their replacements have already been tested and are waiting to be deployed as part of our mail server upgrades. While the two switches are rebooting, many of our services will be briefly unavailable. The replacements are, for the curious, two Cisco 3550’s, four Cisco 2924’s, two Alteon AD3’s and two Dell Powerconnect 5224’s. The new cluster of switches enables us to provide true redundancy to our entire network from end to end. -Kelsey and Nathan

Update: All planned maintenance was completed without a hitch.

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