Night Ops: Sunday, at 12:00AM, we are going…

Sat Apr 12 13:16:03 PDT 2003 — Night Ops: Sunday, at 12:00AM, we are going to replace the AD3 that is currently having trouble with another AD3 that is currently deployed in an Active-Standby cluster with a partner for the new mail server cluster. We’ve been reluctant to swap hardware until we had discussed the situation with Nortel who now owns the Alteon product line. Any downtime experienced during the swap to the new AD3 should be less then the periodic outages that we are currently seeing.

We are also taking this opportunity to reboot our Netapp NFS cluster in order to fix a minor annoyance that needs a reboot to clear. They should be down for no more than a few minutes. At the same time the NetApps are being rebooted we will also be swapping the shell server’s disk back into its own chassis to free up the spare server for some other tasks. -Kelsey and Nathan

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