Local number calling problem.

Thu Oct 30 13:27:34 PST 2003 — Local number calling problem. We are experiencing problems with calls from Santa Rosa SBC phones to our main office number and our non-SBC dialup numbers. We believe this to be a problem with LNP, the local number portability system, that the telephone companies use to direct calls from one carrier to another. We are opening trouble tickets with all the carriers involved. If you need to reach our office, you can use our Focal numbers: (707) 237-9616 Sales and Accounting; (707) 237-9617 Technical Support. -John and Russ

Update Thu Oct 30 16:13:30 PST 2003 — Our carriers report the problem solved. SBC shut down one of their switch routing servers (SS7 SCP) that was corrupted. The other three answer correctly and can carry the load. -John

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