Update On Virus Alert: Since approximately…

Wed Mar 3 12:08:11 PST 2004 — Update On Virus Alert: Since approximately 10:00AM this morning we’ve been blocking every known copy of the Beagle virus including the password protected zip file variant that poses as a message from your ISP. Additionally, we are working to remove all copies of this (and other viruses as well) from our user’s message stores. So far over 900 individual viruses have been removed.

We are also working hard on integrating our virus scanning software into our POP3 server as our last line of defense for our user’s inboxes. This final scan as messages leave our network, often hours or even days after it’s been received, eliminates the effects of the window between a virus’ release into the wild and its inclusion into filter definitions as best as possible. We hope to have the updated POP3 server in operation later today. -Kelsey and Nathan

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