Broadlink backhaul outage.

Sat May 20 18:35:00 PDT 2006 — Broadlink backhaul outage. Broadlink reports that on May 19th at about 2PM, the Broadlink backhaul went down without warning. After many hours of troubleshooting, they were able to remove the faulty radio equipment and are in contact the vendor to find the cause of the sudden failure. Another radio link was put up as a replacement, but latency and throughput problems continue.

There is no current ETR for getting all circuits back up to full capacity, but Broadlink’s operations department is working diligently to find a solution for this service interruption.

-Tony and Jason

Update: Mon May 22 10:04:38 PDT 2006 — Broadlink backhaul outage update. The backhaul path is being rerouted this morning. We expect to have the new link in place by 11am and customers back up by Noon. Thanks for your patience. -Matt and Jason

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