Sonic’s New Member Tools are now Member Tools!

Today we finished the process of switching our Member Tools system from its old home on to A few tools still remain on the old server but is now the URL from which you will access all tools.

Moving to our new server will allow us to add new tools more easily and scale out our systems as needed. We’ve also tried to make our tools more reliable and easier-to-use as part of  the move.

If you’ve never tried our tools before, please do check out You may be surprised to find how easily they enable you to customize your account to your specific needs.


2 comments for “Sonic’s New Member Tools are now Member Tools!

  1. What features are introduced by the new membertools? It seems to be just some changes in the billing menus. Is it just a different “skin” on top of the old one?

  2. Some of the most important changes this brings are on the back end, and will support many new tools and features in the near future. There are also minor changes to the interface of many of the tools. Authentication methods have changed for the better, and of course the overall look of the tools has been modernized.

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