DSL Service Disruption

We are currently tracking a network event that is disrupting network connectivity for several of our DSL aggregation routers. We are working to identify and resolve this event as quickly as possible.

-Jared and Nathan

Update:  We believe the issue is a backplane problem on the ATM switch serving many of our DSL customers.  A reload of the affected device should resolve the trouble — we’ll let you folks know how it goes. -Nathan and Jared

Update: Things are looking much better after a reload of the ATM switch. We’re still working to ensure that all services are up and functional, and will be working with the equipment vendor to diagnose the trouble that we’re having. Sorry to all affected! -Nathan and Jared

7 comments for “DSL Service Disruption

  1. thanks guys, i appreciate hearing about issues as early as possible. it helps me know that everything is ok on my end 🙂

  2. Thanks for the update. My connectivity in Fremont has been down since 2135pdt. (DSL shows as up, no packets flowing)

  3. Thanks for posting this. I was troubleshooting my equipment and checked twitter in hopes it wasn’t me. Can you clarify who is affected?

  4. 2220
    Thanks for the update!
    Down here in Saratoga, I thought something had died in my router.

  5. Back up again here in Saratoga @ 2230
    You guys are great!
    Thanks for the updates AND fast work

  6. Sonic techs, always the best! Thanks Jared and Nathan for your diligence. And people wonder why I have stayed with sonic since 1995 😉

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