Modem support and assistance

In the near future we will be integrating customer premise modems into a centralized configuration platform, or ACS, using TR-069. This will allow support staff to view and update some modem settings, to view connection statistics, and for some equipment, to push firmware updates.

If you have ZTE, Motorola or Pace/2Wire equipment on your connection, it may be included in our remote configuration and assistance platform.

To learn more about the TR-069 standard, see Wikipedia:

2 comments for “Modem support and assistance

  1. Dane, how’s your IPv6 support coming? I haven’t seen a status update on this in a year. The top 10 websites now are fully IPv6 accessible (not to mention thousands of others; see

    I know y’all are busy with fiber rollouts — and bless you for breaking the idiotic duped-FCC duopoly — but I certainly hope your newest gear for your fiber rollouts supports IPv6! And that your core network supports IPv6, and that you’re testing subscriber DSL modems and central office DSL equipment with IPv6 now.
    How’s it going?

    I’d like to switch my competitor’s T1 to one of your symmetric services – but my IPv6 access comes over that T1, and you don’t offer it…

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