Legacy DSL DHCP outage – L.A. Area

We have identified and repaired an issue that caused DHCP failures for a subset of DSL customers in the L.A. area. If you have any further trouble with your DSL connection please contact our support department as usual.

– Robbie and Tomoc

2 comments for “Legacy DSL DHCP outage – L.A. Area

  1. Oh thank goodness, I was wondering what was going on this morning.

    So glad to see you guys are already on it. 🙂

  2. This happened intermittently a few days ago as well; last night I kept unplugging and replugging back in both modem and router to no avail; figured one or the other had gone kaput.

    Woke up this mid-morning to see all was again well.

    Glad to have seen all was well, for internet access = not a happy camper.

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