Fusion Upload/download Speed Priority Toggle

Fusion customers can toggle between the default download (Annex A) and upload (Annex M) prioritization profiles using the Fusion Self Service tools available as option 2 on  6-1-1 when dialed from a Fusion Voice line.  Annex M can provide a boost in upload speed at the cost of download speed and can be useful, for example, when running a large upload.  For more information, please see this forum post.   Please note that in many cases your modem will need to be reconfigured in order to sync on the Annex M profile and that Sonic’s support is not able to assist with this.  If you have questions or need assistance please see our forums.

1 comment for “Fusion Upload/download Speed Priority Toggle

  1. Is it possible for whoever runs the official Sonic.net Minecraft server to update to the latest version? 🙂

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