Fusion 411 service discontinuation

Since the launch of our Fusion telephone service, we have routed 411 toward free directory services in order to avoid the typical 411 directory lookup fee for our customers. Initial we used Google’s GOOG-411, and then when it was discontinued, we routed to Microsoft’s BING-411. They discontinued this service and we switched to JustDial, which was the last free directory service we are aware of.

Now JustDial has discontinued their free service, so Fusion customers calling 411 now will simply hear a message suggesting they use the Internet to look up their number.

We could put a fee-based 411 system in place if there was customer interest in it. If you’ve got feedback on this topic, please weigh in on our forum, here:


UPDATE: Thanks to Sonic customer “aw”, we’ve found a new free service to route calls to. 411 calls are now routed to 24/7’s free Information Service. It offers directory services as well as driving directions, movie times, time, etc.



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