Fusion/FlexLink Intrusive Maintenance (Santa Rosa)

Update: 12/4/2013 – 2:15A PST – This maintenance is complete. Downtime for some customers may have been closer to 45 minutes, but all maintenance is complete.

This evening, beginning at 11:59PM, we will be performing intrusive maintenance on equipment serving Fusion and FlexLink customers in Santa Rosa out of the SNRSCA11 central office. Expected downtime is 15-30 minutes for these customers.

-Tim J.

2 comments for “Fusion/FlexLink Intrusive Maintenance (Santa Rosa)

  1. Download speed used to be 10+ Mb/sec; recently it’s been only 8.9; after this change, it’s now 6.98. I hope you are planning to fix this in the very near future.

  2. It sounds like we should do some troubleshooting on your speed issues. I’ve gone ahead and sent you an email to start that process. Feel free to give us a call.

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