Sebastopol – Cable Maintenance

Beginning at midnight on Thursday, September 29th we will be performing cable repairs in Sebastopol. We expect the maintenance to continue through the night and anticipate completion by early morning. A small subset of Sonic Fiber customers in Sebastopol may experience intermittent or loss of service during the maintenance window.

Update(9/30 8:22am): We experienced complications during repairs and are still working as quickly as possible to restore service to affected customers. Estimated time to repair completion is one hour.

Update(9:26am): Backbone splicing is complete and we are now working to restore individual customer strands. Customers should begin to come back online over the next 30 minutes, at which point we are expecting all service to be restored.

Update(5:41pm): The outside plant team has isolated another issue and expects it to be resolved within 2 hours.

Update(6:59pm): All services restored.

– Brian & Andrew

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