Updating firmware for Pace 5268ac

We will be updating the firmware to our Pace 5268ac modems over the next few weeks. This will happen Monday through Thursday nights between 12 am and 4 am.  There will be 5 to 10 minutes of down time as the modem reboots after the new firmware is installed. We will update this post when we have finished the upgrades, approximately 3 weeks from now.


Thank You


7 comments for “Updating firmware for Pace 5268ac

  1. I would like to verify that the firmware has been updated. What is the version number of the new firmware?

  2. I woke up yesterday (Jan 3) to a modem that would no longer connect to the Internet. Tech support didn’t mention anything about a firmware update, but instead said there had been a large spike of upload traffic between 3am and 4am, and that it must have “fried” the modem, which IMHO is absurd. They’re sending me a new modem, hope it goes better for the rest of you.

  3. Looking thru saved emails found the note about firmware updating. It’s been over a month. What’s the status?

  4. The firmware update roll out is still in progress. We should be finishing up here before too long.

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