Service Outage in San Francisco

As of 7/31/2020 at 4pm we are experiencing an outage on our AT&T resold internet services (IPBB). The area affected is in San Francisco. We do not have an ETA but we will keep everyone updated via this post. If you are calling in please know that our hold times are higher than usual due to this outage. Please be patient with our Techs on the phone as we work to resolve this outage.
Update: 8/3/2020 9:34am: It is looking like all customer’s services should be up and running again. If you are having any issues please contact Support.

4 comments for “Service Outage in San Francisco

  1. Hello! It seems that services should be restored. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you.

    Best Wishes!

  2. Please reach out to our support team to troubleshoot your service issue. They can be reached every day 8am-10pm at 888.766.4233.

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