Sonic Routing Instability

This morning Sonic noticed routing instability within our network and began emergency maintenance on the affected equipment to bring back normal network operations. This instability affected many of our enterprise circuits. We are currently in the process of restoring normal IPv4 and IPv6 routing for these circuits and believe the issue is resolved. If you are still having issues with your enterprise circuit you can reach out to our Network Operations Center.

2 comments for “Sonic Routing Instability

  1. I believe our router for our home is still affected. It randomly will disconnect our devices and then will not reconnect all of them.

    For instance, it will allow me to connect my iphone and our laptop, but not our TV, our nintendo switch or an android phone. It will show the network available, but not connect

  2. Hello Sarah,

    I checked your account and see support was able to get a router replacement set up for you. If issues persist once you receive the new equipment or you need assistance with the set up process please let us know. Support is available 7 days a week by calling (707)-547-3400 between 8am and 10pm PST.

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