Brian and I have just finished a set of…

Mon Oct 20 08:52:35 PDT 1997 — Brian and I have just finished a set of upgrades and fixes. Some services were offline between 2:30am and 7am. Notably, web services were offline from 3am to 6am. The FTP server’s filesystems were available for read only use between 2:30 and 4am, and at the end of this time, we put the NetApp filer online for ftp. All terminal servers got a RAM upgrade between 6am and 7am. This will fix short memory problems which were causing inconsistent connection performance last week. Unfortunately, due to problems with the new motherboard, Thunder’s CPUs, RAM and networking were not upgraded, and we were unable to move the filesystems to the NetApp. This was a major goal of this maintenance, and we’ll be doing some preparation today in hopes of trying again tomorrow. -Dane & Brian

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