Emergency maintenance on NetApp filer.

Fri Aug 31 18:18:07 PDT 2001 — Emergency maintenance on NetApp filer. One of the loop resiliency circuit cards in one of our NetApp filers has failed. While this is redundant equipment and didn’t cause any immediate impact, our redundancy is compromised, so we consider this a very high priority repair.

Saturday morning at 1:00AM, we will be shutting down freezer.sonic.net, our NFS filer hosting all storage for email, shell and ftp. This means that these services will not be available for about five to ten minutes. Normal maintenance of these filers does not require any downtime, and a second CPU/head allows for full redundancy in a failure or normal maintenance, however, in this case, the LRC card is what supports the redundant filer CPU/head. -Kelsey, Nathan and Dane

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