Sonic Telecom Network Reachability Issues

We are currently investigating a problem within our telecom network. Customers on it may experience intermittent reachability to other hosts both in and outside of our network. We will provide an update shortly once we have further diagnosed the issue.

-Matt and the NOC

Update: Service should now be stabilized for any effected customers. We have determined there was a fiber cut in Palo Alto, CA that impacted a number of our backbone links. That in turn caused reachability issues while our network rerouted around the down circuits. Furthermore, a router bug prevented a number of prefixes from properly rerouting, thus causing additional impact to a limited number of Flexlink Ethernet and Flexlink Long Range customers in the North Bay. We are working with the hardware vendor to diagnose and resolve this issue. All in all, this was a very successful test of our redundancy scheme, which kept packets flowing despite a group outage impacting a significant number of circuits.

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