San Francisco Fusion/FlexLink Outage

Today, September 2, starting at 10:00am, equipment serving a subset of subscribers in the San Francisco area dropped off line. The outage lasted less than five minutes, and all subscribers should be back online.



4 comments for “San Francisco Fusion/FlexLink Outage

  1. Hi, I’m working with a client who still reports that they are having ongoing issues. Are you absolutely sure this is resolved for clients? Or is there a secondary outage?

  2. Hi Max,
    I am confident this outage has been fully resolved. If you are having trouble with your service, please give us a call when you are able so we can help.

  3. We lost our internet connectivity some time between 10am and 10:30am this morning as well, and our Fusion DSL service is in the outskirts of San Jose … east foothills area. Is it possible that our issue was within the spread of the outage announced here?

  4. When I call support, I’m told there are 30 people ahead of me and my call back time is at 12:30. Is there anyway to jump ahead of this given that it’s a service outage ?

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