Fusion Fiber – Berkeley and Brentwood Intrusive Maintenance

Update (10/29/2020 – 2:22am) Maintenance completed successfully. The service interruption was extended for a subset of customers due to an issue with the dhcp server. Voice services were unaffected by this work. If your data (web browsing, email, streaming, etc.) is not working, try a reboot of your router. If that fails, contact customer support at 1-855-394-0100 or email support@sonic.com or request a text via https://www.sonic.com/support_sms_request


Tomorrow (10/28/2020) at 11:59pm we will be performing intrusive maintenance in our Berkeley and Brentwood Fusion Fiber networks. There will be an expected period of up to 45 minutes of total connectivity interruptions as subscriber devices reconnect to the network during this operation.  The maintenance window is 4 hours.

12 comments for “Fusion Fiber – Berkeley and Brentwood Intrusive Maintenance

  1. It is 1:53a and I have no internet. I need to be online for work at 5a. Sure hope this is fixed before then!

  2. Hi,

    Berkeley Resident here. Internet access is still down at my location since this maintenance.

  3. Services should be restored. Please reach out to our Support Team if you are still having issues. 1-855-394-0100 8am-10pm 7 days a week.

  4. Services should be back up and running. Please reach out to our Support Team if you are still having issues.

  5. Services have been restored. Please reach out to our Support Team if you need additional assistance.

  6. Service are back up and running. If you are still having trouble please contact our Support Team

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