Connectivity Issues to Santa Rosa Datacenter

This morning, beginning around 3:45 AM, a host within our Santa Rosa datacenter became the target of a very large DDoS attack. We are currently in the process of battling this attack and users may notice reachability problems to services such as our email servers and member tools during this time.

– Robbie

2 comments for “Connectivity Issues to Santa Rosa Datacenter

  1. Are you still suffering from attacks? Connection seems to be intermittently slower than normal for the past couple of days. It would be nice if you can inform us not only when you are experiencing an issue, but also when it is resolved. Thanks!

  2. With today’s complex local wi-fi networks integrated with internet provider’s services, it’s imperitive and good customer service to post status updates when conditions change. Good bad indifferent. Otherwise, customers may be spinning their wheels troubleshooting the wrong components or devices. Thank you.

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