SSL Certificate Issues

UPDATE: Our CA has reissued our certificates, and they have been installed.

The Extended Validation (EV) certificates we installed last week have blocked a small, but significant, subset of users from accessing our websites due to the use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).  In most cases, using Firefox instead of IE, Safari or Chrome resolves the problem.  We recognize this isn’t always and acceptable solution and have asked the Certificate Authority (CA) to reissue the certs using RSA and will install them as they become available.  However, we strongly encourage customers using Windows XP or old version of OSX to upgrade their operating systems to a modern supported version.  Using an old unsupported browser from an old unsupported operating system is a “Bad Idea.”  It is also exceedingly likely that future steps taken to ensure the privacy and security of our customers at large will cause similar issues for these old systems.

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